REAL WMD'S=(R)evealing the (E)nemies of (A)merica: (L)eft (W)ing (M)edia & (D)emocrat('S)!

(REAL WMDS)"Revealing the ENEMIES of America(& Allies)":THE LEFT WING MEDIA & DEMOCRATS is Exposed by all True and Loyal Americans/Allies, who want to donate and pledge their support, either monetarily, or simply share their perspective. We offer an "International Membership", for anyone who wants to be a "Card Carrying, Member". Those without financial means are welcome to join under our "free membership program". We welcome all true Americans and International Allies!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Attention All True Americans and their international Allies:

(A) Recently, on November 6th, 2007A.D., the majority of Washington State voters voted for many Republicans, cut taxes drastically, and changed the far-left values of Washington State, especially in the dominating liberal Seattle area, and changed direction towards more conservative, Republican ideals. Please note, Seattle, WA is one of the primary liberal areas in America. Many Americans have seen clearly that the far-left Media and Democratic Party's views are not only anti-truth of the war, anti-Republican, etc., etc., these liberal views are very destructive to the international war on terror, and America's domestic issues. These perverted views actually also destroy the core values of true Americans, which have existed since America became one of the greatest nations ever. My fellow Americans, let's all wake up, in Portland, Maine, apx. 2 weeks ago, 11 year-old children, (middle school kids), after a misguided vote, are now given by school officials, condoms, birth control, and worst of all, and most shocking, the children are given access to abortion clinics, and abortions, without their parents' even being notified! Please note: we didn't say 21 year-old students, we said "11 year-old children". This Portland, Maine direction would be considered "worse than Communism" in some academic organizations, and especially in most parents' opinions. This immoral direction in Portland, Maine, is not wrong, it is catastrophically wrong. This is one example of the many false, immoral domestic directions that the far-left Media and Democrats want for America, even our children!

(B )The above paragraph (A), clearly shows the false direction that the far-left Media and Democrats want to take America to, as they have no common sense. They pervert words like "civil rights", etc., and have no concept on how to distinguish the difference between simple morality and simple immorality.

(C) The main reason this post was made, is to let America know the truth, that the far-left Media and Democrats, go to the extreme perversion of falsifying America and her Allies' necessary, and victorious war on terrorists. They cannot see the truth, that the attack on America in 2001, and many other attacks on America, and her Allies, prior to 9/11 and post 9/11, so desperately need and needed, to be stopped! Stopping world terrorism is truly the number one, most critical issue for America, and all the nations of the world, which is directly related to the Presidential election of 2008A.D. America is the central force leading other nations in the crucial, "International War on Terrorism"!

(Summary) President Ronald Reagan used his "Hollywood Charisma" and diplomatic skills to stop the spread of Communist terrorists and dissolve the evil Soviet Union, who were truly one of the world's worst threats to humanity! President Reagan and Mr. Gorbachev quite possibly saved the world from nuclear destruction. (Likewise, the 2008 Administration of-President Giuliani, Vice President Condi Rice, and Secretary of Defense, Arnold Schwarzenegger, will follow President Reagan's great diplomatic pattern, and put an end to international terrorist bombings, and destruction of precious human life).

My fellow Americans: We believe that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's experience re-building California's government, economy, and environment, etc., plus his powerful image as an international movie star, whose movie's depicted him as a "terminator" of terrorism, plus all of his many other skills, would merit the Bush Administration, with Executive orders, etc.,legally, according to federal law, appointing Governor Arnold, as Assistant Secretary of Defense, or even replace the current Secretary of Defense, immediately! Most Americans do not even know the name of the current Secretary of Defense, and more than likely, most of the world's terrorists, do not know the United State's Secretary of Defense's name?!?! Therefore, we ask all Americans to realize that Governor Arnold, being a strong part of the defeat of terrorists, would not only, psychologically help stop world-wide terror, but Secretary of Defense-Arnold Schwarzenegger's experience and strong leadership capabilities, would, in reality, finalize America and her Allies' victory over all international terrorism!